ultrathin single crystal CVD diamond substrate

High quality, ultra-thin single crystal diamond (SCD) membranes that have a thickness in the sub-micron range are of extreme importance as a materials platform for photonics, quantum sensing, nano/micro electro-mechanical systems and other applications.
The thinnest ultra-thin CVD thickness to 50um
High quality surface roughness10nm
Best transmission
Best for growth
Easy handling of the membrane, allowing flipping, transferring and further processing
High crystallinity and low strain

Product name Ultra-thin single crystal CVD diamond substrate
Color White
Orientation 4pt/100
Shape: Any shapes are available according to custom
Size range 1-9 mm (single crystal CVD diamond),
thickness: 0.05-0.2mm
Edges Laser cut
Lateral tolerance ±0.05mm
Side 1, surface roughness, Ra Polished, Ra < 10nm
Side 2, surface roughness, Ra Polished, Ra < 10nm
Thickness  tolerance ±0.05 mm
Boron concentration [B] <0.05ppm
Nitrogen concentration < 10-50ppm
Refractive index (10.6 µm) (1) 1064nm2.392      
Thermal conductivity Typically 1500+Wm-1K-1
Transmission Transmittance1064nm:>65%

Diamond based sensors
Nano/micro electro-mechanical systems (NEMS/MEMS)
Optical and mechanical devices
Radiation detectors
Integrated photonics
Raman lasers
Frequency combs